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About MeMatt Christian

My name is Matt Christian and I am a computer programmer by day and an indie game developer by night. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science with an emphasis on Software Development from the University of Wisconsin - Stout along with an Associate's Degree in Information Technology - Computer Programmer from Northcentral Technical College.

At five years old I began playing video games and grew up through the dawn of video game consoles, the home PC, and the almighty internet. When I was a senior in high school I took a computer programming class to avoid taking high level math (irony struck it's head years later when I majored in math at UW-Stout!). I fell in love with logic creation, problem solving, and developing things from scratch. I realized this could apply to video games as well and I created my first game in Visual Basic 6 titled 'Neverworld' (as seen on the Projects page). To me, developing video games is natural, interesting, and intensely fun. Video game development is my greatest passion and I will continue to do it in any capacity I can.

Feel free to browse my site and everything contained within. Make sure to check out my Resume for contact information and my Projects (Portfolio) to see what I'm currently developing and have developed in the past.

Website designed by Matthew Christian. © Copyright 2004-2012 Matthew Christian