!Llama Llama!

Multiplayer Arena Brawler
(2017 Prototype)

Role(s): Lead Programmer / Artist
Platform: PC
Tools Used: Unity 3D (C#), Photoshop


Llama Llama! is a local multiplayer arena brawler for up to four players. Gameplay resembles other “couch arena” multiplayer games such as Porcunipine, with a unique control scheme seen in goofy physics games such as Gang Beasts or QWOP.



  • Wrote generic gameplay scripts supporting four players dynamically such as player movement, character selection, combat, and menus. Keyboard/Mouse, Playstation 4, Xbox One, and generic PC controllers are supported.
  • Designed multi-layered combat system featuring different forms of attack, different ways to stun other players, and different ways to interact with level elements (destructable level elements)
  • Designed characters and artistic style including hand drawn art on paper, colored in Adobe Photoshop.


Llama Llama Whales